From Doodles to Drawings: Pen and Ink Techniques for Young Artists
Instructor: Julie Merwin
Thursdays, March 9–April 13, 2023 (six Thursday afternoons)
3:305 p.m.
SVAC Member: $175; Non-member: $210 (includes materials)
Ages 11+

Join Julie for an exercise in imagination, using negative and positive space, and pen-and-ink technique.

One doodle can take you on a fabulous topsy-turvy journey! Start in the center of the page; then begin filling in all around it. Explore the effects of different images, shapes, textures, and designs from your imagination—while turning the page in every direction. Use one image to suggest the next. Practice your skills with pen and ink, add color with pencil or watercolor. The only rules: let your imagination loose, and fill up the entire page by the end of class.

We will look to examples while we’re drawing to spur us on: the animation story-board work of Miyazaki, Martin Rosen, Osamu Tezuka and Pat McHale, as well as the digital art techniques of Scott Robertson.

Limited scholarships are available. Contact Erin Kaufman at or 802.367.1306.

Julie Carter Merwin is a professional illustrator and author of numerous children’s books including The Legend of Now: Wingless (available in the Southern Vermont Arts Center Museum Shop), Hobb’s Lake Secret and the adult fantasy series The Tales of Earden.

March 9 at 3:30 pm
3:30 pm — 5:00 pm (1h 30′)


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