Figurative and Portrait Sculpture in Clay with George Paxton
Instructor: George Paxton
July 1-6, 2019 (no class on July 4th)
10 a.m.-4 p.m.
$500 Member/$550 Nonmember

In this five-day workshop, we will work from a live model to create a one-third life-size figurative sculpture and a full-size portrait bust out of water-based clay.  For the figure, principles of anatomy, proportion, gesture, geometric planes will be discussed and taught. For the portrait bust, the structure of the head and neck and proportions of the face, including the eyes, nose, mouth, ears and hair will be discussed and taught.  Demonstrations will be given and individualized assistance/instruction will be provided. Proportional calipers will be employed as an aid to accuracy as we start with basic shapes, blocking in the figure and head, before building on detail to refine our works into compositionally strong pieces.

George creates classically-inspired figural sculpture in terra cotta, resin and bronze.  Believing the creative process must be grounded in the basics, a good understanding of proportion, gesture and anatomy is essential, and serves as a starting place from which artistic expression and creativity spring.  George focuses on certain features and forms, accentuating some while minimizing others, blending substance within the overall constraints imposed by reality. In this manner, he creates sculpture that is not only true to nature, but also expresses his views and captures the essence, mood and feeling of his subjects.



July 1 at 10:00 am — July 6 at 4:00 pm
10:00 am — 4:00 pm (126h)


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