Kids, Crafts & Coffee
Instructor: Marisa Pagliccia
Thursdays, September 15–October 6, 2022
9–10 a.m.
Cost: SVAC Member: 4 class package for $48; Drop-in $13
Non-member: 4 class package for $60; Drop-in $16
Payment should be made directly to Marisa.
Ages: 3 and under

Come meet others over coffee / tea while your child explores their sensory systems. This class will be a mix of both structured activities and free play. Using a sensory-based approach, Marisa will guide everyone through activities that support developmental milestones with textured objects, music, books, and stretches. Children and caregivers will also have an opportunity to connect with others in the community through free play. Coffee and tea will be available.

Marisa Pagliccia is a local pediatric occupational therapist. She loves to help kids build and strengthen their skills through movement, mindfulness, and sensory activities. When she isn’t working as an occupational therapist, Marisa enjoys spending time with her husband and 1-year old son, cross country skiing, and hiking the Equinox trails.

September 15 at 9:00 am
9:00 am — 10:00 am (1h)


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