Saturday and Sunday, February 3 & 4, 2024
9:30 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
SVAC Member: $99; Non-member: $125
Ages 16+
This two-day workshop will explore techniques used for creating spectacular light from an ordinary winter subject. Winter is perhaps the season where one can find the greatest contrast in values between light and dark. The class will develop students’ skills in composition, value and using the white of the paper to capture the brilliance of snow. The instructor will demonstrate in the morning followed by class painting in the afternoon. There will be a critique and class discussion at the end of the final session. Students will receive the demo image and a Zoom link for the workshop via email. A list of suggested materials is below.
Some watercolor experience suggested.
For more about Robert O’Brien, visit his website:
Robert’s Materials Suggestions:
- A block of good quality watercolor paper — I recommend Arches 140 lb. cold pressed, 9 x 12in, 10 x 14in, 11 x 14in or 12 x 16in
- Brushes — A blend or natural bristle brush. There are however, some good quality blend and synthetic brushes such as the W&N Sceptre Gold and the Escoda Versatil series.
- # 6 round
- # 8 round
- # 10 round
- # 12 round
- 1 inch flat
- ½ or ¼ in. flat (optional)
- 1 ½ in. flat
- Paints — some suggested colors in Winsor & Newton or any Professional Artists Grade paint:
* colors I use more frequently- Cadmium Red and/or Scarlet Lake
- Quinacridone Rose *
- Quinacridone Violet
- Green Gold
- Shadow Green (Holbein) or Perylene Green *
- Sap Green *
- French Ultramarine Blue *
- Indanthrene Blue *
- Cerulean Blue (M.Graham) *
- Cobalt Blue
- Cadmium Yellow
- New Gamboge *
- Lemon Yellow
- Yellow Ochre
- Naples Yellow
- Brilliant Orange (Holbein) *
- Burnt Sienna
- Burnt Umber
- Sepia *
- Neutral Tint or Paynes Gray *
- Dioxazine Purple *
- Palette — 12”x16” – John Pike or any other brand w/ cover and a large mixing area
Other suggested items: sketchbook, a grayscale value chart, spray bottle, water container,
paper towels or sponge, hairdryer, an H pencil, eraser, ruler, masking fluid.