Teen Open Studio
With Rhonda Ratray
Six weeks on Monday and Thursday (11 sessions), September 5–October 10
3–5 p.m.
SVAC Member: $220; Non-member: $275; scholarships available, supplies provided
Grades 10–12

This is an uninstructed time for teens. Take over the studio for these afternoons–make it your own, alongside peers who love art. Explore abundant art materials with time and space to develop your ideas. 

Artist Rhonda Ratray will be present as a resource in case you’d like to consult with her about where to go with a project, ask her how to mix a particular color, share a thought, or find out about life as a professional artist.

Transportation from BBA is available for a limited number of students. Please contact Erin to reserve a seat in the van (ekaufman@svac.org).

Rhonda Ratray received her BFA from Alfred University School of Art and Design and her MFA from The School of The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and Tufts University. Finding inspiration in printmaking, painting, sculpture, and design, she has taught art for more than a decade and exhibited her work in many universities and galleries. She has been the Artist in Residence/Community Engagement Organizer at the Left Bank in North Bennington since 2017 and curates The Left Bank Maurice Kahn Gallery. www.ratray.com.

September 5 at 3:00 pm — October 10 at 5:00 pm
3:00 pm — 5:00 pm (842h)


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