In the Beauty of Vermont’s Great Outdoors with Cynthia Rosen
Instructor: Cynthia Rosen
Friday, August 20 – Monday, August 23, 2021
9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
SVAC Member: $500; Non-Member: $625
Age 16+

This is an in-person 4-day workshop, for all levels, with attendees using medium of their choice. Open to adults (and to ages 16+ with instructor permission).

On the first day, we will primarily be in the studio for preliminary information and a demo designed to give attendees a boost when they are painting outside. We will cover topics in composition, warm/cool colors, issues of light, perspective and stylistic decisions. Attendees will have time to paint in the studio that first afternoon. Enrollment is limited to allow for social distancing indoors.

We will move to the out-of-doors for the next three days of painting. Demos will be in oils at least two of the days, and the demo medium on the two other days will be determined based on attendee requests.

Logistics: Class will run from 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. each day, with a 45 min lunch break. Bag lunch is suggested, or attendees can order and pick up from nearby restaurants. Snacks will be provided. Masks required for unvaccinated participants per VT guidelines. There will be some plein air set-ups available upon request (must be pre-arranged), though attendees should bring their own painting supplies. We will paint at sites within close proximity to parking. Views to expect: Water, buildings, and vistas.

Suggested supplies:

  • Sunscreen
  • Hat
  • Bug spray (likely not needed but it is general part of the plein air gear)
  • Water bottle
  • Painting supplies (don’t forget whatever medium you choose to bring)
  • Pizza boxes or carrying cases for finished paintings
  • Rags for wiping brushes or paper towels and a trash bag
  • A bandana is always handy
  • Painting umbrellas are optional, as are seats. (A limited number of folding stools are available with prior request.)
  • It is suggested that attendees bring one or two painting surfaces for each day, depending on individual experience and painting speed; the size of surfaces is each individual’s choice.

Color recommendations:
Rule of thumb is a warm (think sun: yellows and oranges) and cool (think cold: blues and purples) of each color. My basic oil palette is titanium white, prussian blue or thalo blue, purple dioxizine, cobalt blue, alizarin, cadmium red or napthol red, cad orange, cad yellow medium or hansa yellow medium, lemon yellow.
Optional colors:
Titanium zinc white, ultramarine, violet or lavender (just for fun).

I primarily use Gamblin oil paints for palette knife painting and Gamblin’s Portland greys are great. I consider them cheater colors. Also transparent orange is quite nice. I do not buy greens, browns or blacks; but if you must, sap green is a nice green color, though quite transparent. If you want a thicker green for late summer greens in oils, Chromium Green Oxide works well.

Brush sizes: 4, 7, 9, 12 – I prefer soft synthetics, flats.

My favorite palette knife is RGM #50 (with #46 second favorite): Great flexibility, narrow so easy to control the use of the paint; great edge for edging buildings; good point for detailing.

If you need more specifics, please contact Cynthia Rosen

To learn more about Cynthia Rosen, visit

August 20 at 9:30 am
9:30 am — 4:00 pm (6h 30′)


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