2019 SOLO SHOWS Colin Goldberg

Colin Goldberg’s artwork explores the intersection of abstraction and technology. His paintingsworks on paper, and mixed-media works in wood and stone are early examples of digital mixed media, combining traditional and digital studio tools and techniques. All of the works in his exhibition are singular pieces which are computer-assisted – they were drawn digitally, and painted by hand. Goldberg has been creating digital fine art since the 1990’s, when he began his Metagraph series of digital drawings.

His exhibition shows new works that he created during his recovery from open heart surgery in June.  “Upon getting the news that I needed open heart surgery, it became a goal of mine to continue with this exhibition at SVAC, and I used the downtime to create new work.” Shinzō – meaning “heart” in Japanese,  which was serendipitously created earlier this year now has a companion entitled  Hoshū, which means “mending”. Goldberg also created the two grids of small paintings within the last two months while recovering from his procedure.  Goldberg states, “It’s funny how life works, and how art can sometimes function as an oracle into our lives.”

Goldberg currently lives and works on the North Shore of Long Island with his wife Donna, their five-year old daughter Aya and cat, Julie.

Click on each of Colin Goldberg’s pieces below to view titles, dimensions, and pricing. If you are interested in purchasing a piece of artwork, please call 802-362-1405, or email info@svac.org.